ito ang peg
this was me circa 2008, when i was about 5 lbs. away from my high school weight. balang araw babalik din ako sa ganito. I CLAIM IT! :)
yesterday i finally went back to the gym after being inactive for a few months. i haven't been able to go because the load at work has been pretty crazy and between going to the gym and going home to sloan after a late night in the office, the latter wins, hands down.
but i know the importance of exercise, which in my case is dancing. and also, the gym fee gets deducted from my salary automatically so it's like throwing away money whenever i don't go to class. thankfully, things are pretty calm now at work and so i'm making an effort to fight off the laziness and dance my ass off.
i aim to have exercise become a part of my system again as it was before, when my week would never be complete without it and i could dance for hours on end. exercise has too many benefits for me not to make it a part of my system.
for starters, there's fitting nicely into clothes. nakaka-frustrate minsan kapag yung mga ineexpect mong maganda ang bagsak sa katawan mo e hindi pala masyadong kaaya-aya! hahaha :D second, being able to keep up with my energetic little boy whose default setting is run instead of walk. and third, i like how it helps sharpen my memory and pushes me to not give up. i know that last one sounds cheesy, but it's true! in dance class, at least. ang style kasi don, they teach a few sequences per song and you have to memorize them so you can keep up. even if there's an instructor to guide us in class, i like the challenge of figuring out the sequence, getting the flow, and being able to make variations on the steps.
i still have a long way to go before i can go back to my old shape and strength, but i'm darn serious about this. AJA!
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