steady lang

i'm in a pretty good place right now. i've been feeling this way since the year started actually, but it was only after talking to mike about it over the weekend that i somehow figured out why.

the past couple of years have been an immense learning period for me. i said hello to motherhood and had my life turned upside down in a good way by a darling little boy. i left the career (and comfort zone) i've had for ten years and plunged into a job which i had very little knowledge about.

two years later, i can somehow say i've finally gotten my groove. career-wise, i am more confident as a pr practitioner with award-winning projects to boot. on the home front, i am more self-assured as a mom and together with mike, have been doing a pretty decent job raising sloan, if i may say so myself :)

it doesn't stop here, of course. i know there will still be challenges (along with triumphs of course!) in the future and i look forward to learning more. but for now, i shall enjoy this state of happy steadiness :)


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