
when he was just around a year old, sloan would ask us for milk by pointing to his bottles on the table and saying "waway!"  he would say it with such urgency that mike and i can't help but laugh because it's just so cute. it's a mystery to us how milk became "waway," in the same way that we couldn't figure out how, around the same time, he would also refer to water as "lolol."

1 year and 2 months old

"waway" later became "bilk" - sloan sometimes mixes up the letters and b and m, and so i was actually "bobby" for a while :) now he can say mommy, but "bilk" has been retained.

now that he's 2 years and 5 months old, sloan is able to a lot of words - the usuals, like mommy, daddy, car, ball, tree, clouds, run, and draw, plus he can name animals.

he also knows the colors and can apply them as adjectives to certain things, like he'd say "red car" or "blue shoes."

he's also started on three-word-sentences. his first one was "shoot that ball" which he got from his dad and all the basketball shows he watches. the next one was "bili daddy battery" which he also got from his dad who would promise that he'd buy battery for all his toys that need it, and even for the ipod when it shuts down hehe.

mike and i try to let sloan develop his language skills at his own pace - while continuously guiding him of course - and not compare him to other kids nor be pressured by what books or studies say. what matters to us is that we see him continuously learning and that we can tell that the things he says has meaning, though he isn't able to say some things clearly just yet. like when he says "arbol", we know he means "i love you", and that's music enough to our ears.

i'm writing this down because sloan is growing up fast and pretty soon all of this will just be a memory. heck some of it already are. and i would like to go back to this entry once in a while and reminisce these moments, especially when he's all grown up and is, most likely, way taller than me :)


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